host family Program
Building Bonds Beyond Soccer!
The heart of the Bristol Rhythm AFC is family. Our host families are where community meets soccer. Hosting a player is not only a unique experience, it’s also a chance to connect with the diverse and dedicated young men who make up our team. Our players come from various backgrounds and bring a shared passion for soccer that unites under the banner of the Bristol Rhythm. Get ready to open your home to these talented athletes and embark on a memorable season together!
Who are the players?
The players who need host families are young men 18 and older. Some of them will be current college soccer players who are on summer break, others will be international players looking to experience the sport in America. The players will utilize their experience playing for the Bristol Rhythm to develop their skills and boost their prospects for a professional soccer career.
When will they arrive?
The Bristol Rhythm AFC season kicks off in early May and continues until late July, with playoffs extending into August. Players usually arrive between late April and early May to gear up for their demanding season. The season involves 10 or more games and 20 training sessions within an 11-week timeframe. There's a possibility that some players may leave before the season concludes for a variety of reasons such as injury, soccer-related commitments, returning to campus for classes, fulfilling college team requirements, signing professional contracts, and more.
What are the benefits of being a host family?
Hosting athletes provides an opportunity for cultural exchange. Learn about their background and share aspects of your culture.
Hosting athletes often leads to the formation of lasting connections. The relationships developed during their stay can extend beyond the summer, creating friendships that endure.
By opening your home, you contribute to the development of young athletes pursuing their soccer dreams. Your support and encouragement can have a positive impact on their growth as individuals and athletes.
Hosting athletes is a way to actively participate in your local sports community. It fosters a sense of community engagement and contributes to the overall success of the amateur soccer program.
Inviting an athlete into your home can enhance family dynamics. It provides an opportunity for your own family members to learn about teamwork, discipline, and dedication from the athlete.
Being a host family allows you to be a part of the soccer journey. You can witness the players' progress, victories, and challenges firsthand, creating a unique and memorable experience.
Hosting athletes can contribute to your personal growth. It may involve adapting to different personalities, learning effective communication, and expanding your understanding of diverse backgrounds.
Your support can make a significant impact on the players' well-being and performance. A welcoming and supportive home environment can positively influence their mindset and overall experience during the season.
Being a host family not only offers a supportive home environment, but also provides a unique mentorship opportunity for the young athletes in the household, fostering personal growth, guidance, and positive role modeling.
Being a host family fulfills a need within the sports community. It provides athletes with a home away from home and contributes to the success and sustainability of the amateur soccer program.
Overall, being a host family is an enriching experience that goes beyond the soccer field, building bonds and creating memories that will last a lifetime.
Host Family incentives
To acknowledge the VALUABLE role you play in supporting our athletes, we will provide your family with our HARMONY SEASON ticket package including up to four Bristol Rhythm gameday shirts.
Host Family Responsibilities:
Ensure the player has a private bedroom, along with towels and linens. They should have access to laundry facilities to manage their own laundry needs.
Allow access to a shared bathroom and allocate space in the fridge for the player's use. Create a welcoming environment to serve as their daily retreat.
Provide a spare key to promote the player's independence and convenience.
Consider the player an extension of your family. Extend invitations to family activities, such as home-cooked dinners or restaurant outings, fostering a sense of inclusion.
Acknowledge and respect the player's need for privacy, ensuring their personal space is honored within your home.
Establish reasonable and clearly defined house rules for a structured and harmonious living environment. This may include guidelines on curfew, guests, and other relevant aspects.
Cultivate an open and inviting home environment with a warm and supportive atmosphere, allowing for open communication and a sense of belonging.
Exclusions from Responsibilities:
Host families are not required to provide transportation for players. Players are responsible for their own transportation, either through carpooling with teammates or, in some cases, by utilizing their own vehicles.
Host families are not obligated to cook or provide meals for players. The team will furnish post-game meals (both home and away) as well as pre-game meals for away games. While it's not a requirement for host families to prepare meals, they should grant players access to the kitchen and fridge for their own cooking and food storage.
It is not appropriate for host families to provide players with cash. Doing so may compromise the players' amateur status with their respective colleges.
Host families are not expected to perform "housekeeping" duties for the players. Players are responsible for cleaning up after themselves, managing their own laundry, and consistently showing respect for the host family's home and property.